Differentiation Operators

DerivableFunctions.jl aims to provide a backend-agnostic interface for differentiation and currently allows the user to seamlessly switch between ForwardDiff.jl, ReverseDiff.jl, Zygote.jl, FiniteDifferences.jl and Symbolics.jl.

The desired backend is optionally specified in the first argument (default is ForwardDiff) via a Symbol or Val. The available backends can be listed via diff_backends().

Next, the function that is to be differentiated is provided. We will illustrate this syntax using the GetMatrixJac method:

using DerivableFunctions
Metric(x) = [exp(x[1]^3) sin(cosh(x[2])); log(sqrt(x[1])) x[1]^2*x[2]^5]
Jac = GetMatrixJac(Val(:ForwardDiff), Metric)
2×2×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 8.15485  -0.0
 0.5      64.0

[:, :, 2] =
 0.0  -2.95055
 0.0  80.0

Moreover, these operators are overloaded to allow for passthrough of symbolic variables.

using Symbolics
@variables z[1:2]
J = Jac(z)
J[:,:,1], J[:,:,2]
(Symbolics.Num[3(z[1]^2)*exp(z[1]^3) 0; (1//2)*(sqrt(z[1])^-2) 2(z[2]^5)*z[1]], Symbolics.Num[0 cos(cosh(z[2]))*sinh(z[2]); 0 5(z[1]^2)*(z[2]^4)])

Since the function Metric in this example can be represented in terms of analytic expressions, it is also possible to construct its derivative symbolically:

SymJac = GetMatrixJac(Val(:Symbolic), Metric)
2×2×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 8.15485   0.0
 0.5      64.0

[:, :, 2] =
 0.0  -2.95055
 0.0  80.0

Currently, DerivableFunctions.jl exports GetDeriv(), GetGrad(), GetHess(), GetJac(), GetDoubleJac() and GetMatrixJac().

Furthermore, these operators also have in-place versions:

Jac! = GetMatrixJac!(Val(:ForwardDiff), Metric)
Y = Array{Float64}(undef, 2, 2, 2)
Jac!(Y, [1,2.])
2×2×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 8.15485  -0.0
 0.5      64.0

[:, :, 2] =
 0.0  -2.95055
 0.0  80.0

Just like the out-of-place versions, the in-place operators are overloaded for symbolic passthrough:

Ynum = Array{Num}(undef, 2, 2, 2)
Jac!(Ynum, z)
Ynum[:,:,1], Ynum[:,:,2]
(Symbolics.Num[3(z[1]^2)*exp(z[1]^3) 0; (1//2)*(sqrt(z[1])^-2) 2(z[2]^5)*z[1]], Symbolics.Num[0 cos(cosh(z[2]))*sinh(z[2]); 0 5(z[1]^2)*(z[2]^4)])

The exported in-place operators include GetGrad!(), GetHess!(), GetJac!() and GetMatrixJac!().

Differentiation Backend-Agnostic Programming

Essentially, the abstraction layer provided by DerivableFunctions.jl only requires the user to specify the "semantic" meaning of a given differentiation operation while allowing for flexible post hoc choice of backend as well as enabling symbolic pass through for the resulting computation.

For example, when calculating differential-geometric quantities such as the Riemann or Ricci tensors, which depend on complicated combinations of up to second derivatives of the components of the metric tensor, a single implementation simultaneously provides a performant numerical implementation as well as allowing for analytical insight for simple examples.

using DerivableFunctions, Tullio, LinearAlgebra
MetricPartials(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff)) = GetMatrixJac(ADmode, Metric)(θ)
function ChristoffelSymbol(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff))
  PDV = MetricPartials(Metric, θ; ADmode);  InvMetric = inv(Metric(θ))
  @tullio Γ[a,i,j] := ((1/2) * InvMetric)[a,m] * (PDV[j,m,i] + PDV[m,i,j] - PDV[i,j,m])
function ChristoffelPartials(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff))
  GetMatrixJac(ADmode, x->ChristoffelSymbol(Metric, x; ADmode))(θ)
function Riemann(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff))
  Γ = ChristoffelSymbol(Metric, θ; ADmode)
  ∂Γ = ChristoffelPartials(Metric, θ; ADmode)
  @tullio Riem[i,j,k,l] := ∂Γ[i,j,l,k] - ∂Γ[i,j,k,l]
  @tullio Riem[i,j,k,l] += Γ[i,a,k]*Γ[a,j,l] - Γ[i,a,l]*Γ[a,j,k]
function Ricci(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff))
  Riem = Riemann(Metric, θ; ADmode)
  @tullio Ric[a,b] := Riem[s,a,s,b]
function RicciScalar(Metric::Function, θ::AbstractVector; ADmode::Val=Val(:ForwardDiff))
  InvMetric = inv(Metric(θ))
  tr(transpose(Ricci(Metric, θ; ADmode)) * InvMetric)

Clearly, this simplified implementation features some redundant evaluations of the inverse metric and could be made more efficient. Nevertheless, it nicely illustrates how succinctly complex real-world examples can be formulated.

Given the metric tensor induced by the canonical embedding of $S^2$ into $\\mathbb{R}^3$ with spherical coordinates, it can be shown that the Ricci scalar assumes a constant value of $R=2$ everywhere on $S^2$.

S2metric((θ,ϕ)) = [1.0 0; 0 sin(θ)^2]
2 ≈ RicciScalar(S2metric, rand(2); ADmode=Val(:ForwardDiff)) ≈ RicciScalar(S2metric, rand(2); ADmode=Val(:ReverseDiff))

(In this particular instance, due to a term in the ChristoffelSymbol where the sin in the numerator does not cancel with the identical term in the denominator, the symbolic computation does not recognize the fact that the final expression can be simplified to yield exactly $R=2$.)

using Symbolics;  @variables p[1:2]
RicciScalar(S2metric, p)